Friends of Taylor Observatory

Student Telescope Astronomy Resource

FSTAR Program: The F-STAR program provides a loaned telescope, instructional resources, and mentorship to a Lake County CA full-time student in the 9-12 grades or first two years of community college.

Eligibility:   FSTAR is restricted to students 20 years of age or younger in a full-time instructional program in 9th-12th grade or equivalent.  Students under age 18 require the co-signature of a parent or guardian.  Students from public or parochial schools, private school students and home-schooled students are eligible.  The interest in astronomy may be broadly interpreted. For example an artist wanting to incorporate drawings of the moon or deep space objects observed through the telescope into art work may qualify, as may a student with a hobby interest in astronomy, or an interest in the Lake County Dark Sky Initiative.

Nomination and Acceptance:  Candidates for FSTAR will usually have demonstrated a prior significant interest in astronomy.  School course work, visits to Taylor Observatory, mentorship by an amateur or professional astronomer are considered.  Nominations from teachers, parents and others familiar with the student’s interest and accomplishments are acceptable. Decisions are made by the Board of Directors of Friends of Taylor Observatory-Norton Planetarium.   Interterested studens should contact a FOTO Board member.

Contract: FOTO (Friends of Taylor Observatory) and the student will sign a contract, to be signed by a parent or guardian for students under age 18.  [Download FTSAR Contract]

Term:  The program is one year, renewable by mutual agreement.

Obligations of FOTO:  1) Provide a loaned telescope appropriate to the applicants interest.  2) An astronomy textbook-field guide “Nightwatch – A Practical Guide to Viewing the Universe” by Terence Dikinson is provided as a gift. 3) Two mentors to assist the student.

Obligations of the FSTAR Awardee: 1) Abide by the provisions of the signed contract, which includes a signed agreement to never point the telescope at the sun.  2) Keep in contact with FOTO through the mentors.   3) Provide, to FOTO, a brief description of how the telescope is being used at three-month intervals